Mechanical properties of the near alpha titanium alloy Ti600 with composition 6Al, 2.8Sn, 4Zr, 0.5Mo, 0.4Si, 0.1Y, bal.Ti, in wt%,were studied in different heat treatment conditions. The microstructures of the alloy were studied by LM, TEM.The resulting microstructure consists of small regions of aligned alpha platelets (colonies) and some grain boundary beta. After thermal exposure in air at temperature 600℃ for 100h., the precipitate α2 phase (Ti3Al) and silicides(Ti5Si3) decrease the ductility of the alloy.
ZHANG Zhen-qi, LUO Guo-zhen, HONG Quan, YANG Guan-jun. , {{custom_author.name_en}}.
Microstructures observation and mechanical properties test of near alpha titanium alloy Ti600[J]. Journal of Aeronautical Materials, 1999, 19(4): 6-10
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