College of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;;Beijing Vocational and Technical Institute of Industry,Beijing 100042,China;;Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials,Beijing 100095,China
The Aluminum matrix composites reinforced with SiC particulates of different sizes and volume fraction were fabricated by pressureless infiltration process.The effect of the size(110μm,63μm,45μm) and volume fraction(15%,25%,35%,45%,55%)of SiC particulate on the friction and wear behaviour of the composites sliding against cemented carbide(80%WC+20%Co)was investigated under dry condition.The wear tests were carried out using a block-on-ring tester at two loads of 196N and 392N under a constant sliding speed of 200rad/min.Worn surface and wear debris were examined by scanning electron microscope(SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometer(EDS).The wear mechanisms were determined.It was showed that the wear resistance of the composites was superior to that of aluminum matrix alloy when the SiC particulate volume fraction was in the range of 15%~35%.The results of the investigation also indicated that the wear rate of the composites decreased with increasing the particulate size and decreasing load.The optimal volume fraction of SiC particulate is at 25%.When the SiC particulate volume fraction was less than 25%,the wear rate of the composites significantly decreased with increasing SiC volume fraction,the wear mechanism of the composites in this period is abrasive wear.When the SiC particulate volume fraction was more than 25%,wear rate of the composites increased with increasing the SiC particulate volume fraction,the composite is characterized by delamination wear and abrasive wear.
L¨1Yi-zhon, WANG Bao-shun, CUI Yan, ZHAO Hui-you, QU Jing-xin. , {{custom_author.name_en}}.
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