a) You should use “, et al” when authors are over three, if not, you should list all their names.
b) You should write from authors’ family names, (given names) to last names in order, no matter the authors are from China or other countries.
c) Source type marks
Monograph[M], Collected Papers[C], Journal Article[J], Dissertation[D], Report[R], Standard[S], Patent[P], Newspaper[N], Database[DB], Electronic Bulletin[EB], Magnetic Tape[MT],Disc[DK],Compact Disc[CD], Online[OL].
d) Monograph
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e) Monograph article
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f) Journal article
[sequence number] name. article title[J].serial publication name:other name information,year,volume (issue):page number[accessed data]. available at (full URL). Example:
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g) Patent
[sequence number] patent holder. patent name:country,patent number [source type mark/(electronic source mark)]. date of publication[accessed date]. available at (full URL). Example:
[1] 河北绿洲生态环境科技有限责任公司.一种荒漠地区生态植被综合培育种植方法:中国, 0129210.5[P/OL].2001-10-24[2002-05-28]. .asp? recid=01129210.5&leixin.
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[1] 唐邦铭. 先进复合材料树脂膜渗透形成及其高性能化技术研究[D]. 北京:北京航空材料研究院,2005.
(TANG B M. Study on resin film infusion technique of advanced composite and its performance enhancing[D]. Beijing: Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials,2005. )
i)Electronic sources
[sequence number] name. title[source type mark/electronic source mark].publishing place:publisher, publishing year (updated or revised date)[accessed date]. available at (full URL). Examples:[1] PACS-L:the public-access computer systems forum [EB/OL]. Houston, TEX: University of Houston Libraries, 1981[1995-05-17]. http://info.lib.uh.edu/pacsl.html.
[2] Online Computer Library Center, Inc. History of OCLC [EB/OL]. [2000-01-08]. http:www.oclc.org/about/history/default.html.
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Pubdate: 2023-11-30